The Arc of Florida Awareness Initiative
We have your best interests in mind.
- Be Prepared
If you are caring for a loved one with an intellectual and developmental disability, you need to know the services you receive in your home state will not automatically transfer to Florida when you move, and the same level of services may not be available. Parents and caregivers need to be prepared prior to the move. Learn more.
- Be Counted
If you have an intellectual or developmental disability, or if you care for someone who does, it is important to apply for the Waiver Program (called the iBudget), through The Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD). Even though there is a Waiting List, having an accurate picture of those needing services is essential to develop more resources. Learn more.
- Be Heard
It is your responsibility to stay active and follow up.
Contact your local Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) office to check on your application and progress. Know your category classification. There is limited state funding that can help families on the Waiting List. Learn more.

It is important to be on the APD Waiting List
If you are a person with an intellectual or developmental disability, or if you care for someone who is, it is important to apply for the Medicaid Home and Community-based Waiver Program (known as “iBudget”), which is administered by the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD), even though this program has a Waiting List. Having an accurate picture of the numbers, names and locations of people who need services is essential if Florida is to develop more resources and state funds. Click here for a list of APD Regional Offices. Each Regional Office page contains links to information on the field offices within each Region.
Once on the Waiting List, a person with an intellectual or developmental disability can receive limited services with state-funded programs. See how to Access Funds (click view chapter).
If your loved one is still in school with an Individual Education Plan (IEP), being on the Waiting List will help your child transition to other services once they become an adult. This is something most parents don’t realize; you will need to advocate for your child as they transition into adulthood.

What You Can Do While on the APD Waiting List
It is your responsibility to stay active and follow up. Contact your APD Regional office periodically and check on your application and progress. See a list of the APD Regional Offices.
Be a part of The Arc of Florida’s Advocacy Committee. Our goal is to ensure that policymakers are aware of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Florida and what their needs are. We want to make sure your loved one can be part of the community and live up to their full potential. In order to achieve this, we need to ensure policymakers understand the real issues at hand. For more information, contact:
You can also volunteer to join one of the 15 the Family Care Councils around the state and learn how to advocate. These Councils were created by law in 1993 and volunteers are Governor appointed. Members work with the Agency for Persons with Disabilities to give their input on statewide policies and programs, and monitor the effectiveness of services in their local area. For more information, click here